Home > tiAudioDesktop


TiAudioDesktop is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the View license.

A simple audio player for the desktop coded entirely in Javascript and made with Titanium. See code comments for more details.

This is a simple audio player coded entirely in Javascript and intended for the Titanium platform. Once you've run it through Titanium, it should, in theory, be totally cross-platform.

I opted not to use HTML5 audio features simply as a proof-of-concept. You should find an HTML5-centric audio player for Titanium in my Github in the (relatively) near future, if it's not already there.

The code is quite straightforward; Titanium's API is used for filesystem traversing and audio handling. jQuery is used for the UI, as well as Titanium's UI API features, including a menu bar and popup notifications.

By all means, use it in any way you see fit! Enjoy!

  • J. Ky Marsh http://twitter.com/jkymarsh