Home > tic-tac-toe-codebuilders


Tic-tac-toe-codebuilders is a project mainly written in Clojure, it's free.

First project for the CodeBuilders club


This game is a work-in-progress. Eventually you will be able to play Tic-Tac-Toe against the computer, or possibly another person, via a web application.


So far, we have finished possible-moves and its dependencies.

           best-move [board who-plays-next]
      =             =                          =
      =             =                          =
      =             =                what-board-looks-like-after-move [board move player]
      =             =
      =             =
      =             ============================
      =                                        =
      =                                 expected-game-result [board who-plays-next]
      =                                        =
      =                                 ===============================================
 possible-moves [board]                        =                =
        =                               is-board-full [board]      =
      =============                                            =
      =           =                                      who-won [board]
 all-moves     =                                             =             =
           =                                            =             =
     is-move-possible [board move]                   =           player-won? [board player]
                        Winning-combinations   won-by-method? [board method player]

In order to make (reasonable-moves run) faster we need to write the following functions:

(remaining-combinations board move) (combo-value board combo) (hightest-combo-value board move)

We also need to test best-move.
