Home > tidal-app


Tidal-app is a project mainly written in JAVA and GROOVY, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Tidal is a simple stateless aggregator for IMAP email accounts.

== Tidal ==

Tidal is a simple stateless aggregator for IMAP email accounts.


[[https://github.com/downloads/dteoh/tidal-app/tidal-0.3.zip|Download now - Tidal 0.3]]

The application supports:

  • retrieving HTML and plaintext emails through IMAP
  • automatic checking every 5 minutes
  • displaying snippets of retrieved emails on the user interface
  • multiple IMAP accounts
  • storing user settings locally with encryption

Program requirements include [[http://www.java.com|Java 6]] and the [[http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp|Java Cryptography Extension]]. Only Windows is supported at the moment.

== Installing and Using Tidal ==

Install Java 6.

Install the [[http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp|Java Cryptography Extension]]. If you have both the Java runtime (JRE) and development kit (JDK) installed, make sure the extension is installed for both.

Unzip Tidal into its own directory.

Double click on "tidal-.jar" (x is just the build number).

The first thing you will do with Tidal is to set up your password. This password is used as a key to encrypt your account settings. You will need to use this password whenever you re-start Tidal. If you forgot your password, delete the ".tidal" directory from your home directory (usually C:/users/ on Windows 7, C:/Documents and Settings/ on XP).

To add an account to Tidal, click on the question mark icon on the top left corner.

You can find IMAP account settings from your email provider. If you are using GMail or Google Apps, the details are "imap.gmail.com" for the server and "imaps" for the protocol. Use your full email address as the username.

If the account was added, the interface should show you a preview of unread emails.

You can modify an account by clicking on the gear icon on the top right corner of each preview list.

User settings are automatically saved as long as the program exits normally. Exit the program by clicking on the close button on the main Tidal window.

== Developing Tidal ==

=== Tools ===

The only required development tools are [[http://www.gradle.org/|Gradle]] 0.9 (build system).

=== Security ===

Tidal will save user settings encrypted in a text file. Jasypt is used to implement the encryption and decryption functionality.

The Java cryptography unlimited strength extension should be installed.

  • Jasypt: http://www.jasypt.org/index.html
  • Java Cryptography Extension: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
  • Java Cryptography article: http://www.developer.com/security/article.php/3778011/Unlocking-the-Secrets-of-Java-Cryptography-Extensions-The-Basics.htm

=== Helpful Links ===

  • [[http://www.miglayout.com/|MigLayout]]: preferred layout manager.
  • [[http://code.google.com/p/snakeyaml/|SnakeYAML]]: used for (de)serializing user settings.

=== Eclipse Quick Start ===

Install Gradle.

Pull the source code.

Change directory: {{{$ cd }}}

Tell gradle to configure Eclipse project: {{{$ gradle eclipse}}}

Run Eclipse. Import the project.

Make changes, etc. Run the tests: {{{$ gradle tests}}}

Commit and submit a pull request.

Build the project into a zip distribution: {{{$ gradle clean assemble -q makeDist}}}

=== Coding Conventions ===

  • Tabs are converted to four spaces.
  • A line can span up to 120 characters.
  • Remove trailing whitespace.
  • The rest follows standard Java coding conventions.

=== Testing ===

Tests are written using JUnit 4.

The tests are run using {{{$ gradle tests}}}.

To run the tests manually, the "NOPjavamail.providers" file in "src/test/resources/META-INF" should be renamed to "javamail.providers". This will allow the tests to use mock Javamail providers. After running the tests, rename the file back to "NOPjavamail.providers".
