Home > Tiled-FlxExporter


Tiled-FlxExporter is a project mainly written in C++ and C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

Tiled Map Editor plugin that generates an Actionscript 3.0 class (inheriting FlxGroup) for use in Flixel projects



FlxExporter is a plugin for Tiled Map Editor that adds a new export format for maps - ActionScript 3.0 source. It generates a class that inherits from FlxGroup and can be used directly in Flixel projects, without writing an importer.

FlxExporter is available only for the Qt version of Tiled Map Editor.


Put the plugin folder in %TILED%/plugins/src, where %TILED% is the path to Tiled source.

Then modify %TILED%/plugins/src/plugins.pro and add FlxExporter to subdirs:

(e.g., subdirs=FlxExporter tmw)

Run qmake.

Now compile Tiled as usual and FlxExporter should be built with it.
