Home > todo.hs


Todo.hs is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Yet another simple text-based TODO script - in Haskell


todo is my attempt to try a bit of Haskell for a simple, real-world task - maintaining my TODO text file.


todo <command> [ID|filter]

        add     <String>    - Add a new TODO.
        delete  <ID>        - Mark an existing TODO as deleted - not as completed.
        do      <ID>        - Mark an existing TODO as completed.
        done    <String>    - Add a new TODO and immediately mark it as completed (add + do).
        ls      [String]    - Print list of TODOs, optionally matching filter string.
        help                - Print help text.

        # Add a new TODO to the file.
        todo add Pick up bananas on way home.

        # List all outstanding TODOs.
        todo ls

        # List all outstanding TODOs containing the string Monday.
        todo ls Monday

        # Mark a TODO as completed.
        todo do 4a8a

        # Add a new, completed TODO.
        todo done Cancel car insurance.


todo.pl by same author, https://github.com/d5ve/todo.pl

todo.txt by Gina Trapani, http://todotxt.com/

    todo.txt was the main inspiration for todo, and I used it for a couple of years. However, there were a couple of things that I couldn't get behaving as I wanted, and bash scripting isn't a strong point of mine. todo has a subset of the functionality of todo.txt, but it's the subset I used or wanted.

t- by Colin Wright, http://www.penzba.co.uk/t-/

    t- was my inspiration for actually writing my own script. It is a tiny python script offering the minimum functionlity that the author needed. I have never used it, but read the source and figured I could write something as simple in Haskell which did exactly what I wanted.


Dave Webb [email protected]


todo is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

todo is released under the WTFPL Version 2.0 license - http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING
