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Tomtom is a project mainly written in C and SHELL, it's free.

Tools for use with TomTom devices


The tools here are for use with TomTom devices. At the moment, they can deconstruct and rebuild the ttsystem images which contain the linux kernel and root filesystem used on TomTom devices.

It appears that there are issues on big-endian hardware currently.


The MD5 code in lib/ was obtained here: http://www.fourmilab.ch/md5/ Its license is public domain.

The Blowfish code in lib/ was obtained here: http://www.schneier.com/blowfish-download.html The implementation is by Paul Kocher and its license is LGPL. This code has been modified to work correctly on 64-bit platforms.

mkttimage.c was obtained here: http://svn.opentom.org/opentom/trunk/mkttimage/ Its license is unspecified, but it was written by Harold Welte. It requires the md5 and blowfish code in lib/.

ttimgextract.c was obtained here: http://svn.opentom.org/opentom/trunk/ttimgextract/ Its license is GPL.
