Home > ToolsUI


ToolsUI is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

These are NetBeans projects for running ToolsUI and TDS. Since the NetCDF-Java libraries moved to Maven, this process has gotten much easier.

You will need both the "Maven" and "Java Web and EE" ("Java Web Applications") plugins for NetBeans. You will need OS packages for "git" and Apache Maven (tested with 2.2.1). For Windows, use msysgit.

Clone this repository: ]$ git clone git://github.com/asascience/ToolsUI.git ]$ cd ToolsUI

Initialize and update the submodule (THREDDS) ]$ git submodule init ]$ git submodule update

Mavenize THREDDS: ]$ cd THREDDS ]$ mvn install

Watch the text fly by...

As of today (1/24/10), you also need to build opendap 2.2 using ant. The opendap that is build with maven causes compilation issues. ]$ cd opendap ]$ ant "opendap-lib" (you may need to install Apache Ant)

When that completes, load the following projects into NetBeans:

  • Maven project ./ToolsUI/THREDDS/
  • Java Web project ./ToolsUI/TDS project
  • Java App project ./ToolsUI/ToolsUI project

Edit the TDS project properties (right click on the TDS project... left click Properties) While on the "Sources" page (left navigation), Change the paths of "Web Pages Folder" and "WEB-INF Folder" to point to your local copies of the folders. Press OK to close the dialog

Edit the ToolsUI project properties (right click on the ToolsUI project... left click Properties) Go to the "Run" page (left navigation). Change the "Working Directory" to point to your local copy of "./ToolsUI/THREDDS/ui/src/main/resources" Press OK to close the dialog

You should now be able to Clean, Build, then Run TDS and ToolsUI.
