Home > tpclient-pyogre


Tpclient-pyogre is a project mainly written in ..., based on the View license.

A client which uses a 3D interface based on the Ogre3d library.

Python-Ogre client for Thousand Parsec

Pre-requisites: Python-Ogre - Graphics and Input libtpproto-py - Network Library libtpclient-py - Client Support Library

Setup: look for plugins.cfg in either the src/ or bin/ directory edit plugins.cfg to point to the plugins/ folder within your Python-Ogre directory

To run: execute tpclient-pyogre in the src/ folder

Description: Client can connect to a server, display the starmap and look around.


Unable to connect to servers which do not have "autoadd_players" enabled, unless existing username and password given.


ESC - Quit Left Click and Hold - Panning Right Click and Hold - Rotate to look around

Compiling py2exe

To compile an exe on windows, several dlls are needed

boost_python-vc80-mt-1_35.dll - found in PythonOgre/packages_2.5/ogre/renderer/OGRE
msvcp80.dll - found from dll-files.com
msvcr80.dll - found from dll-files.com
OgreMain.dll - found in PythonOgre/packages_2.5/ogre/renderer/OGRE

After the compilation step, several dlls need to be copied into the bin/ folder

CEGUIExpatParser.dll - found in PythonOgre/packages_2.5/ogre/gui/CEGUI
CEGUIFalagardWRBase.dll - found in PythonOgre/packages_2.5/ogre/gui/CEGUI
CEGUITinyXMLParser.dll - found in PythonOgre/packages_2.5/ogre/gui/CEGUI

To ease this entire process, all the dlls must be copied into the dlls/ folder within the root directory (same level as src/, media/, etc)
