Home > NServiceBus-Contrib


NServiceBus-Contrib is a project mainly written in C# and SHELL, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Contrib project for NServiceBus

NServiceBus Contrib

To build the NServiceBus Contrib you need to have Ruby installed. You can get the latest Ruby Installer from http://rubyinstaller.org

You'll also need the Albacore gem, version 0.1.5 (current version 0.2.2 is not yet supported), to run the rakefiles

        gem install albacore

Template rakefile for projects

The NServiceBus Contrib uses a single root rakefile wich calls every rakefile it can find in the subdirectories and executes the 'build' task. For the moment, put the _rakefiletemplate in the same folder as your .sln-file and rename it "rakefile".

    gem 'albacore', '<= 0.1.5'
    require 'albacore'
    require 'FileUtils'
COMPILE_TARGET = "debug" unless defined?(COMPILE_TARGET)
PLATFORM = "Any CPU" unless defined?(PLATFORM)

build_dir = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/build"

# Change these two to match your solution and project
solution_file = "SolutionFile.sln"
project_directory = "ProjectRootDirectory"

task :default => ['build']

desc "Prepares the working directory for a new build"
task :clean do
    unless defined?(GLOBAL_BUILD_DIR) then
        FileUtils.rm_rf build_dir
        Dir.mkdir build_dir

desc "Compile the project"
msbuild :compile do |msb|
    msb.properties :configuration => COMPILE_TARGET, :platform => PLATFORM
    msb.targets :Clean, :Build
    msb.solution = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/#{solution_file}" 
    msb.path_to_command = File.join(ENV['windir'], 'Microsoft.NET', 'Framework', 'v4.0.30319', 'MSBuild.exe') 

task :build => [:clean, :compile] do  

    if defined?(GLOBAL_BUILD_DIR) then
        copyOutputFiles File.dirname(__FILE__)+ "/#{project_directory}/bin/#{COMPILE_TARGET}", "*.{dll,exe,config,pdb}", "#{GLOBAL_BUILD_DIR}/#{project_directory}"
        copyOutputFiles File.dirname(__FILE__)+ "/#{project_directory}/bin/#{COMPILE_TARGET}", "*.{dll,exe,config,pdb}", build_dir

def copyOutputFiles(fromDir, filePattern, outDir)
  mkdir outDir unless File.exists? outDir
  Dir.glob(File.join(fromDir, filePattern)){|file|      
    copy(file, outDir) if File.file?(file)
If you have several projects in your solution, just add a copyOutputFiles for those projects too.