Home > tracking.js


Tracking.js is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A Javascript module for tracking page views, events, transactions and load times using Google analytics


A standalone javascript that implements google analytics. It includes methods to track page views, events and transactions.

Example usage

Somewhere up in the head of your document:

<script src="http://github.com/mitchellbryson/tracking.js/raw/master/tracking.js"></script>
  /*  This will track the current pageview as "_error"
      and append some useful info, such as page URL and referer
      useful for tracking 404 pages and the like */
  // tracking.error = true; // default is false

  /*  starts a queue for asynchronous tracking, 
      which means you can track any events before the page has finished loading. */

  This will track users in Google Analytics, that have javascript disabled.
  Change UA-XXXXXX-X to your own Google Analytics ID. -->
  <img width="1" height="1" src="http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?utmac=UA-XXXXXX-X&amp;utmp=/noscript">

Somewhere at the very bottom of your document:

  /*  Pushes the queue to the relevant providers (just google for now),
      and continues to do so for any new events. */

Page views

To track a new pageview, for events that don't reload the page (like ajax calls) you can use the tracking.pageview() method, along with an optional path.



Use the tracking.event() method to track new events, like clicks. "category" and "action" are required, but label and value are not.

    category  : 'Link', 
    action    : 'path/to/link.html',
    label     : 'A link',
    value     : 2

The repository includes an events tracking JS that depends on jQuery to track click events on links and forms. Just include it in your page, after the tracking.start() method:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://github.com/mitchellbryson/tracking.js/raw/master/jquery.events.tracking.js"></script>

There's also a waypoints file that uses the jquery.waypoints plugin to track scrolling. Include it in your page, after the tracking.start() method:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://github.com/imakewebthings/jquery-waypoints/raw/master/waypoints.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://github.com/mitchellbryson/tracking.js/raw/master/jquery.waypoints.tracking.js"></script>


Here's an example of how a transaction is tracked. This can be placed anywhere after the tracking.start() method.

    /*  Each item skuID must be unique to the product 
        if you want them to be tracked individually. */
    var items = [
        orderID   : 99,
        skuID     : '1',
        name      : 'T-Shirt',
        variant   : 'Green',
        unitPrice : 19.99,
        quantity  : 2
        orderID   : 99,
        skuID     : '2',
        name      : 'Hat',
        variant   : 'Black',
        unitPrice :  9.99,
        quantity  : 1

      items     : items,
      orderID   : 99,
      name      : 'Mitchell's Store',
      total     : 999.99,
      tax       : 9.99,
      shipping  : 1.99,
      city      : 'Sheffield',
      state     : 'Yorkshire',
      country   : 'United Kingdom'