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Trampoline is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Lightweight Drupal proxy to support simple page callbacks used for AJAX, AHAH etc.


This module makes it possible for modules to avoid a full Drupal bootstrap in AJAX callbacks, if they don't use the Drupal database.


Your module should implement hook_trampoline like so:

function ting_availability_trampoline() { $items = array(); $items['ting/availability/item/%/details'] = array( 'includes' => array( drupal_get_path('module', 'ding_provider') . '/ding_provider.module', drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/ctools.module'), 'variables' => array( 'ting_agency', 'ting_search_url', 'ting_scan_url', 'ting_spell_url', 'ting_recommendation_server', ), ); return $items; }

The $items key is the same as the menu router path from hook_menu(). The page callback, page callback arguments, module and file to be included will be copied from the menu settings. The array here can contain the following keys:

'includes': An array of extra files that will be loaded before calling the callback. Can be include files or modules.

'variables': An array of variables that should be saved so they'll be available via variable_get.

'theme_hooks': An array of theme hooks that will be made available.

When generating the path to a trampolined callback, use the trampoline_url() function.


index.php # The main dispatch file. trampoline.inc # Main trampoline functions. trampoline.cache.inc # Replacement cache (noop) functions. trampoline.drupal-default.inc # Copy of some important Drupal functions

that cannot be loaded through their

                            # original include file.

trampoline.drupal-mod.inc # Modified Drupal functions.
