Home > Transcription-Name-Helper


Transcription-Name-Helper is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Allows the user to quickly switch between speakers whilst transcribing

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3704

This script allows the user to switch to the next speaker by pressing during transcription in insert mode. E.g.

INTERVIEWER: Blah blah blah?

User presses and...

INTERVIEWER: Blah blah blah?


To change the names of the people, :let transcriptionID0 = "firstperson" , :let transcriptionID1 = "second person" etc.. Alternatively, change the default names by editing the appropriate variables in tra.vim.

When is pressed multiple times in a row, tra.vim replaces the previous transcriptionee's name.

Multiple INTERVIEWEE's are supported as of v0.2. Simply press multiple times and the current transcriptionee will change (up to g:maxPersons). To change the number of transcriptionees, simply :let maxPersons = people in interview. Currently, up to 5 transcriptionees are supported.

v0.3 introduces 'modes' for multiple transcriptionees: tabspam, conversation and absolute. To change the transcriptionMode, press . Tabspam is described in the previous paragraph. Conversation allows to toggle between INTERVIEWER and INTERVIEWEE1 and toggle between INTERVIEWEE2 and INTERVIEWEE1. Absolute yields: <Tab> = INTERVIEWER; <S-Tab> = INTERVIEWEE1, = INTERVIEWEE2; ¬ (or <S-`>) = INTERVIEWEE3.

PS I just realized, those keys might not be ideal for a US keyboard. If you want them changing (I can't remember where ` and ¬ are on a US keyboard offhand) just write in the wiki about it
