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Transmogrify is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the MIT license.

Node.js service to compile CoffeeScript and Uglify javascript


Transmogrify is a Node.js service that compiles CoffeeScript and compresses Javascript (or both at once). This is intended to be used in environments where you can't install CoffeeScript or a decent javascript minifier for some reason (like Heroku!)

To test:

cake test

To run server:

cake server --port <NUMBER>

Ruby Wrapper and ruby-coffee-script integration

gem install transmogrify will get you ruby-coffee-script integration. It will post to http://transmogrify.credibl.es:8080 by default, if you want to point to your own node.js endpoint running transmogrify, specify it like so (this can go in a Rails initializer):

Transmogrify.endpoint = "http://path.to/compile"