Home > TreeSelectTV-plugin


TreeSelectTV-plugin is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Plugin for MODx evolution CMF

================================================================================ TreeSelectTV plugin 0.1.5

for the MODX Evolution content management framework

================================================================================ Description:

This plugin can be used to display one or more folder trees in the manager backend of MODX Evolution and make files and/or folders selectable by the user. The selected folder or file is then displayed in the input field of a template variable (TV) as a path to the file or folder.

As you can see in the configuration file "configs/default.config.inc.php", there are many options for a custom configuration and file filtering. The visual styles can be set in the "TreeSelect.styles.css" and the templates in the configuration file(s).

================================================================================ Installation:

  1. Download the archive file and unzip/untar it into a local directiory.

  2. Create a new folder "assets/plugins/TreeSelect" in the MODx-installation directory and copy the following files into it:


    (Alternatively you can use a custom name for the new plugin folder and put it in the "pluginPath" field of the plugin configuration.)

  3. Set up the plugin:

    Create a new plugin in the manager backend of MODx:

    a. In the "General" tab use these values

        "Plugin name":  TreeSelect
        "Description":  <strong>0.1.5</strong> TreeSelectTV plugin 
    Open the file
    in a texteditor and copy the content of this file as the "Plugin code"
    into the new plugin.

    b. In the "Configuration" tab insert the following line as "Plugin configuration":

        &pluginPath=Plugin path;string;assets/plugins/TreeSelect/ &tvids=TV IDs;string; &tplids=Template IDs;string; &roles=Roles;string; &input_status=Inputfield status;list;hide,show,toggle;hide &list_separator=Separator;string;/ &list_depth=Tree depth;int;-1 &list_sortBy=Sort by;list;unsorted,name,size;name &list_sortDirection=Sort direction;list;lower -> upper,upper -> lower;lower -> upper &list_sortFirst=Sort first;list;not set,folders,files;folders &list_hideOnSelect=Hide on select;list;yes,no;no &list_image_view=Image preview;list;yes,no;yes &list_path_base=Path base;list;Start folder,Website base,Server root;Start folder &list_folders_base=Base folder (leave empty for MODX base path);string; &list_folders_start=Start folder;string; &list_folders_filter=Folders to ignore (reg. expr.);string;^\.+ &list_folders_accept=Folders to accept (reg. expr.);string;.* &list_folders_showSize=Show folder sizes;list;yes,no;yes &list_folders_only=Folders only;list;yes,no;no &list_files_filter=Files to ignore;string;^\.+ &list_files_accept=Files to accept;string;.* &list_files_showSize=Show file sizes;list;yes,no;yes &list_files_skip_0b=Skip empty files;list;yes,no;no &list_files_maxsize=Max. filesize;int;-1 &list_files_minsize=Min. filesize;int;-1 &list_sizeDecimals=Number of decimals to display;int;2 &list_files_only=Files only;list;yes,no;no

    c. In the "System Events" tab Activate

        "OnDocFormRender" and "OnBeforeDocFormSave".
  4. Create one or more template variables of the type Text and make it usable with the template(s) of your site.

================================================================================ Configuration

A. For · the default settings or · the use of only one TV with this plugin or · more than one TV but with the same tree for all used TVs (comma separated list of ids),

use the "Plugin configuration" in the manager backend to adjust the

The settings are documented in the "configs/default.config.inc.php".

B. For at least two TVs with different trees, follow these instructions to create a custom configuration file:

  · Make a copy of the file "default.config.inc.php" inside the
    "configs/" folder.
  · Rename it to "*.config.inc.php" (where * should be replaced by a
    name of your choice, e.g. "tv23.config.inc.php").
  · Edit the file and set the correct values in there.
  · Make sure it is placed in the folder "configs/".

Inside the new file you may delete the lines (and comments) you don't
need, except of the first and the last line.

To make the plugin usable, at least you have to adjust the ids of the template variables (created in step 4) in the plugin's configuration backend or/and the custom configuration file(s).

The id numbers of the TVs and templates are displayed in round brackets in the template- and tv-listing of the manager backend right after the names.

Example file structure for the plugin folder:

MODX-base-path/ assets/ plugins/ TreeSelect/ TreeSelect.class.js TreeSelect.class.php TreeSelect.core.php TreeSelect.styles.css configs/ default.config.inc.php tv23.config.inc.php treetv.config.inc.php anothertree.config.inc.php
