Home > trinidad_lifecycle_extension


Trinidad_lifecycle_extension is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the View license.

Extension to allow to add lifecycle listeners to the Trinidad's server and the applications running on top of it.

Trinidad lifecycle extension

This extension allows you to add lifecycle listeners written in ruby to the Trinidad's server context as well as each application context that runs on top of Trinidad.

This extension also allows to enable the jmx monitoring capabilities of Tomcat. The configuration that Tomcat needs can be set as JAVA_OPTS properties or through the Trinidad's configuration file.


Add this extension into the Trinidad's configuration file and include the path to the directory where the listeners are. For instance:

extensions: lifecycle: path: 'lib/lifecycle' # Path by default, not required

Trinidad will try to load each class into that directory and add it to the approrpiated context regarding where the extension will be configured, into the server section or into the web_app section.

How to write a lifecycle listener

If the listener is for the server the class must be into the module Trinidad::Lifecycle::Server but if it's for the web application it must be into the module Trinidad::Lifecycle::WebApp. The class must include the java class LifecycleListener and must contain the method lifecycleEvent(event). For example:

module Trinidad module Lifecycle module WebApp class WebAppListener include Trinidad::Tomcat::LifecycleListener

    def lifecycleEvent(event)
      if Trinidad::Tomcat::Lifecycle::BEFORE_START_EVENT == event.type
        # do something before start the web application context

end end

As a reference, Trinidad is configured with a lifecycle listener, here is the code:


You should also be familiar with the Tomcat's life cycle:


== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 David [email protected]. See LICENSE for details.