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Triss is a project mainly written in OCAML and HAXE, it's free.

Haxe IDE

creating IDE for Haxe language. based on original Haxe compiler (svn revision 3417)

mailto:[email protected]

TODO: understand defference between ExtLip.PMap and Core.Map. Both seems to be polymorphic, but PMap doesn't have Make functor.

NB about viewing Common.context in ocamldebug. You should resolve dependencies. Paste ot ocamldebug cconsole such code: set arguments compile.hxml load /usr/lib/ocaml/bigarray.cma
load /usr/lib/ocaml/threads/threads.cma
load /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.11.2/bin_prot/bin_prot.cma load /usr/lib/ocaml/res/res.cma
load /usr/lib/ocaml/fieldslib/fieldslib.cma load /usr/lib/ocaml/nums.cma load /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.11.2/sexplib/sexplib.cma load /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.11.2/core/core.cma load /usr/lib/ocaml/pcre/pcre.cma load /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.11.2/core_extended/core_extended.cma load /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.11.2/deriving/deriving.cma load /home/kakadu/prog/Triss/ocaml/xml-light/xml-light.cma
