Home > Triumph-of-the-Commons


Triumph-of-the-Commons is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Code for a site to create a community around good works

Triumph of the Commons

Immediately following the riots in London and other cities in August 2011, many people self-organised to clean up the mess that was left. They used websites and social networks to co-ordinate and ended up being the good news story to counter the negativity of the riots themselves. Triumph of the Commons is about capturing this spirit and harnessing it for the long term.

  • People who have time and energy can do good works and get rewarded for it.
  • People who have passion or money can encourage them.
  • People who have skills in technology or marketing can help build the community.

It’s a bit like a marketplace for community work, but based on good will and tips rather than payments. It’s not for profit, and depends entirely on you to drive it.

Here's the plan for how to use this site:

  1. Join this site
  2. Go and do something good for your community
    • Clean some rubbish up
    • Repair vandalism
    • Remove graffiti
    • Take down illegal posters
    • Clear escort calling cards from phone booths
    • Anything else you can do that makes your community better
  3. Take photos of before and after
  4. Submit a record of your work to this site
  5. Share what you did with your friends (use the “share this” buttons) and encourage them to join