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Trove-python-client is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

The Trove Python Client Library

Trove Python Client

The Trove Python Client is used to interact with Trove. It provides a (relatively) simple API to ask a user to authorize your application/site to Trove and then pull on the user's behalf. It provides (simple, for now) query facilities.

This library is under (very) active development -- so please keep that in mind!


The Trove Python client has relatively few dependencies. They are:

  • python-dateutil
  • simplejson
  • urllib and urllib2
  • Leah Culver's OAuth library

How does this thing work? Is this thing on? :tap tap:

Sadly, Trove isn't on yet as of June 30, 2010... but we should be releasing a beta soon. Once it's out using the API is pretty simple:

Initializing a new Trove API (Command line example)

Once you receive your key and secret (and register your app/site with us) you can create a new instance of TroveAPI like so:

>>> from troveclient import TroveAPI
>>> api = TroveAPI(app_key, app_secret, ['list','of','content_types'])

The list of content types are what you are asking the User to give you access to. Currently the list can be: photos. (More is coming, we promise!)

Keep in mind, a Trove API instance is scoped to a USER.

Initializing a new Trove API with an access_token you already have from a data store

>>> from troveclient import TroveAPI
>>> api = TroveAPI(app_key, app_secret, ['list','of','content_types'],access_token=access_token_from_datastore)

Getting a request token

Trove uses standard OAuth 1.0a. Please see the OAuth site for more information on the details of how OAuth works. To get a request token using the Trove API:

>>> request_token = api.get_request_token()

To get the authorization URL to forward the user to

>>> url = api.get_authorization_url(request_token)

Keep in mind, the authorization URL will post the token response back to the callback you specify (if you have a web app) or a response page will render with the status in an HTML page inside a div with an id of auth_response

Next, get the verification URL:

url 'http://beta.yourtrove.com/identity/login?next=/v1/oauth/authorize/%3Foauth_token%3Dgs7GaJrXzngNpThV'

Strip the the opening and closing single quotes and use the verification URL in your browser to allow the the application to work.

Once you have the URL...

Getting the access token from an authorized request token

>>> access_token = api.get_access_token(request_token)

This access_token is what you should be storing in a data store for future accesses.

Ok I have an authorized client, how can I get stuff!?

Phew! Once that's done, the currently instantiated API already is logged in for the user so you can just make requests as simple as:

>>> results = api.get_photos()
>>> results
<troveclient.Objects.Result instance with count 50, total_number_of_results 863 and page 1>

That's kind of lame? Where are those robust query facilities you were talking about?

Oh man, we have query facilities! There is a query object that can be populated with various fields you might be interested in. These include:

services:   List of: facebook, flickr, google, smugmug -- default is all
tags_required:  List of tags wanted
date_from:      Python datetime
date_to:    Python datetime
force_update:   Force us to requery the service and not hit the cache

For example, to build a query for photos containing the tags "Williamsburg", "Snow" after March 4, 2007 you would do this:

from troveclient.Objects import Query
import datetime
q = Query()
q.date_from = datetime.datetime.strptime("2007-03-04 21:08:12", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
q.tags_required = ['Williamsburg', 'snow']
api.get_photos(q) # assuming api with valid access_token
  • So what's coming down the pipeline? We need your input for what you want! Please email Developer Requests [email protected] for what you are interested in. Our (incredibly long) to-do list includes:
  1. More content types (video, status, friends)
  2. Pagination on queries
  3. Geolocation for queries
  4. More services!

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

