Home > v


V is a project mainly written in SHELL and VIM SCRIPT, it's free.

v is z for vim

v is z for vim

z - http://github.com/rupa/z v - http://github.com/tsibley/v

maintains a jump-list of the files you actually edit



* symlink this script into your PATH

* symlink v.vim into ~/.vim/plugin/

* source v-completion.sh from your shell rc if you want tab completion

* use vim or v to edit files for a while to build up the db



* v foo # edits the most frecent file matching foo

* v foo bar # edits the most frecent file matching foo and bar

* v -r foo # edits the highest ranked file matching foo

* v -t foo # edits the most recently accessed file matching foo

* v -l foo # list all files matching foo (by frecency)
