Home > ttagcomplete


Ttagcomplete is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Context-sensitive tags-based completion and code skeletons

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2069

In theory, this plugin provides a framework for context-sensitive tags-based completion and code skeletons (requires tSkeleton vimscript

1160). I.e. the completion function checks the context and filters the

available tags accordingly. You should thus get only those tags included in the list that are actually useful in a given context (eg because the are valid methods of a certain class).

In practice, the context sensitivity is currently only implemented for Java and requires a tags file for the JDK sources to be created (see the notes on |tlib#tag#Retrieve()| for details). It also makes certain assumption about how variable declarations look like, e.g. the class/type name should be in the same line as the variable name; class names start with an upper-case letter etc.

Limitation: you have to type g:ttagecho_min_chars = 1 chars before completion is allowed.

It shouldn't be too difficult to adapt this for other statically typed languages with formal variable declarations. As the source code isn't actually parsed or anything, there is little chance to use this efficiently with dynamically typed languages like ruby where the type/class is only known at run-time.
