Home > ttagecho


Ttagecho is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Show current tag information

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2055

This plugin is similar to echofunc (vimscript #1735) to which it owes much inspiration and two lines of code. echofunc is probably also better tested.

It displays some information about the tag under the cursor or mouse pointer either in the echo area or as balloon help (see |g:ttagecho_balloon_patterns|). If there are more than one tags that match, you can loop through the tags by invoking the respective commands repeatedly.

If hookcursormoved (vimscript #2037, version >= 0.4) is installed, for certain filetypes (see |g:ttagecho_parentheses_patterns|) it will display the information in the echo area also if the cursor moves over a round parenthesis.

If you don't like the default format for the tags, you can define the function TTagechoFormat_{&filetype}(a:tag) that should return some nicely formatted information.
