Home > TTrCodeAssistor


TTrCodeAssistor is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Accelerate your inputing during coding,with auto-complete the function prototype

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1754

I make it as easy as possible and make a lot of action for you to accelerate your inputing coding , accoding to the habit of a coder . So i make a lot of expand 'key' word to append the content with hot key , and move to the different area just by . So ,try and enjoy it ! I am sure you will love it!

I add the function that let the ( can complete the function prototype when you input your coding which make you not have to remeber the sequence of the function arguments.

Add the menu item which let you can control whether this plugin can start or stop. And of course you can let it start automatically by add this to your vimrc: let g:TTrCodeAssistor_AutoStart=1

usage :

to expand the 'key' word ( you can change it to you habit ) to move forward and to move backward between the 'labels' ( key to compete the function prototype automantically. ) automatically move or input itself accoding to the content use as normal but will remove the ) when its front char is ( Recently , i will just add some useful function without map them to some key Just to expand the function of this plugin , so you can map it according to your taste. :-) 1. TTrcodeAssistor_ToggleComments nnoremap :call TTrCodeAssistor_ToggleComments() vnoremap :call TTrCodeAssistor_ToggleComments() Note : the function prototype completing must use the exuberant ctags to make the tag files which you should add to vim by :set ctags+=/your/file and You have to add the arguments --fields=+S after all your arguments while making the tag files with 'ctags' ex : Make the tags for all the files of current directory including the subdirectory ctags -R --c-types=+p --fields=+S * 'key' word table can be seen in the file. Just have a try.