Home > tumblr_tags


Tumblr_tags is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the View license.

Tumblr Tags is a simple web service to figure out a Tumblr blog's most-used tags.

Tumblr Tags

Tumblr Tags is a simple web service to figure out a Tumblr blog's most-used tags. I wanted to put the list on my blog and Tumblr's customization tools didn't provide it, so here we are. I still don't have the list on my blog, but I have learned some things.


I have no real idea how to set this up. It works for me! You'll need Ruby, MongoDB and a bunch of gems.


If you get it running, just go to the home page, type in a Tumblr username and an optional limit on the results, and go get a snack. The only way I found to figure out a user's top tags is to fetch all of their posts and count. A cache prevents the service from doing this more than once per user per day.


Most of them are in the Gemfile. Big ones:

  • Tumblr-RB (my fork of it)
  • Sinatra
  • MongoDB
  • MongoMapper

Tests use Cucumber, RR, VCR, and Timecop, which 90% of the time I mistype as "Timescape".

To Do

  • Make a data API (JSON, probably), or otherwise
  • figure out how to actually put it on a blog.
  • Maybe make the human interface nicer.