Home > tunnelvision


Tunnelvision is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

Twitter Filter

tunnelvision - a twitter filter

tunnelvision is a group of perl scripts and library code to deal with fetching, storing, categorising and rebroadcasting tweets.

This is better (for me, anyway) than a simple iPhone or OS X twitter client because I can program it to do other, cleverer, things than just show me tweets. For example:

  • mark things as "seen", so I don't end up reading the same tweet over again on different devices
  • mail a summary of the things I might deem important that I haven't seen recently for those periods when I am not paying attention
  • send tweets that mention me, or new results for a saved search, straight to my phone as an alert using Prowl
  • "snooze" a user doing something distasteful (such as liveblogging an event I am not interested in), rather than unfollow and have to remember to refollow later
  • roll up tweets that mention the same URL (a la retweeting)

Do note that whilst I am running this code 24/7 for myself, it is not documented (other than this readme) and probably not ready for prime-time just yet. To illustrate, it currently expects to run out of the check-out directory.

Broad architecture

Conceptually, tunnelvision is split into three distinct types of code:

  • Collectors: fetch new tweets from Twitter and save them to the database
  • Classifiers: categorise new tweets according to priority, spamminess, group, etc.
  • Circulators: broadcast tweets back to me, either directly (eg. via Prowl) or in the form of a website



tunnelvision uses CouchDB to store tweets. It currently expects to connect to 'localhost' on the standard port and use a database called 'twitter'.

CPAN modules

I am using a lot of external CPAN modules in this project.

  • Moose
  • MooseX::FollowPBP
  • MooseX::Method::Signatures
  • Net::Twitter
  • AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream
  • DB::CouchDB
  • Plack
  • ... and many more (this list is definitely not complete)

If you are playing with this, I recommend installing any CPAN modules with the truly excellent cpanm script, like so:

sudo cpanm Moose MooseX::FollowPBP MooseX::Method::Signatures 
           Net::Twitter AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream DB::CouchDB 
           Plack ...


Finish writing the code (the more verbose todo list is kept in tunnelvision.taskpaper).