Home > turbulence.php


Turbulence.php is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PHP, based on the MIT license.

metrics for a php project

Hopefully-meaningful Metrics

This work based on Turbulence

A quick hack based on Michael Feathers' recent work in project churn and complexity


    bin/turbulence_php -repo=/path/to/git/project -out=/tmp/output

It takes /path/to/git/project repository, calculates class/file changes and some kind of complexities, then create an out.json file under /tmp/output (it contains the raw data in JSON format).

    bin/turbulence_php -repo=/path/to/git/project -out=/tmp/output -path=src

When -path parameter presents only files (classes) under src/ will be processed.

If everything went well a viewer.html will be generated under output (/tmp/output). It has no external dependency, so just launch it with your favorite browser.

    google-chrome /tmp/output/viewer.html


Let's create the metrics of Twig template engine:

    pear install pear.pdepend.org/PHP_Depend-beta
    git clone git://github.com/blerou/turbulence.php.git
    git clone git://github.com/fabpot/Twig.git
    turbulence.php/bin/turbulence_php -repo=Twig -out=/tmp/Twig -path=lib
    google-chrome /tmp/Twig/viewer.html


It uses PDepend to calculate complexity.

    pear channel-discover pear.pdepend.org
    pear install pdepend/PHP_Depend-beta