Home > TVO--The-Vim-Outliner


TVO--The-Vim-Outliner is a project mainly written in VIM SCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

Turn vim into a full-featured text outliner

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=517

TVO (The Vim Outliner) is my solution for text outlining in Vim.

It works a lot like Word's outline support, but is much more vim-compatible. It has syntax highlighting, embedded text blocks, shortcut mappings using both LocalLeader and arrow keys, and works reasonably well with Vim Easy. There is a toolbar that will be familiar to you if you've used Word's outliner.

You can extract just text, or just headings if you wish; there's also some converters (to HTML, Perl POD, and to RTF) included.

Please email me with bug reports, improvements, comments or more documentation (badly needed!).

Earlier versions are available at http://bike-nomad.com/vim/vimoutliner.html
