Home > TVSlurp


TVSlurp is a project mainly written in Python, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Script to pull TV episodes off newzbin from a tvrage ical feed.


(c) Chris Targett 2010 [email protected]

A small script that polls a TVRage iCal file, and then searches newzbin for aired shows. Found reports are then bookmarked.

It was designed to remove the need to store favourite shows in multiple places and to remove the dependency on an external daemon.


  • iCalendar - http://pypi.python.org/pypi/icalendar


Settings are defined in an ini file. The default location is ~/.tvslurp/config but this can be changed with the -c flag.

For an example configuration see example_config.

Automation can be achieved through a task scheduler such as cron or windows task scheduler.


In some situations, the name of the show posted to newzbin is different to the one in the TVRage calendar.

The [rewrites] section in your TVSlurp config can be used to rewrite episode titles from the calendar. The format is as follows:

<key> = <search term> | <replace term>

n.b. Each line in key needs to be unique.

e.g. 1 = Newswipe With Charlie Brooker | Newswipe will turn: Newswipe With Charlie Brooker - 1x01 into: Newswipe - 1x01

Known Issues

  • iCalendar doesn't honour time zones

  • Specials such as "Lost - S06-Special" will not be found

  • Latin-1 characters in show names (Such as GRΣΣK) will cause an error. This can be resolved by using a Rewrite. e.g: 1 = GRΣΣK | GREEK


A record of recorded episodes is stored in a plaintext file defined in the config. There is currently no automatic purging of old entries so this will need to be done manually.
