Home > tw-engineering-dotnet


Tw-engineering-dotnet is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and C#, it's free.

Thoughtworks Studios Training Solutions Engineering Practices in .NET

h2. Frameworks

NUNit https://launchpad.net/nunitv2

Mock testing library : Moq http://code.google.com/p/moq/

h2. ASP.NET MVC version 3


h2. UI testing

http://www.specflow.org/ http://smnbss.wordpress.com/2010/11/02/unveil-the-power-of-bdd-with-specflow-and-selenium-part-1/

h2 Selenium v2 (Webdriver)

We use selenium for testing the app. This can be kind of slow if you use Firefox or IE.

You can use HtmlUnit via the RemoteDriver by uncommenting the appropriate code in SeleniumSupport.cs. Note that for this to work the selenium remote driver must be running. This is checked into the lib/test directory. You can run it by doing:

java -jar lib\test\selenium-server-standalone-2.0b2.jar

h1. Notes on the Code

h2. Code smells

These are code smells that we might want to discuss with the participants

h3. Prices

  • The IPrice.GetCharge method could be given a more descriptive name
  • The unit tests for the IPrice implementations only cover "normal" cases (no edge cases)
  • There are no tests for the frequent renter points in IPrice

h3. Movie

  • Movie has a price, as well as a get and set property
  • Movie allows a null price

Take a look at MovieTests, there is a Law of Demeter violation :

Assert.AreEqual(1, RegularMovieInstance.Price.GetFrequentRenterPoints(1));

This chould be refactored to look like this:

Assert.AreEqual(1, RegularMovieInstance.GetFrequentRenterPoints(1));