Home > tweet_daemon


Tweet_daemon is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

JustBooks tweet daemon

daemon-kit README

daemon-kit has generated a skeleton Ruby daemon for you to build on. Please read through this file to ensure you get going quickly.


bin/ tweet - Stub executable to control your daemon with

config/ Environment configuration files

lib/ Place for your libraries

libexec/ tweet.rb - Your daemon code

log/ Log files based on the environment name

spec/ rspec's home

tasks/ Place for rake tasks

vendor/ Place for unpacked gems and DaemonKit

tmp/ Scratch folder


One of the biggest issues with writing daemons are getting insight into what your daemons are doing. Logging with daemon-kit is simplified as DaemonKit creates log files per environment in log.

On all environments except production the log level is set to DEBUG, but you can toggle the log level by sending the running daemon SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 signals. SIGUSR1 will toggle between DEBUG and INFO levels, SIGUSR2 will blatantly set the level to DEBUG.


daemon-kit uses bundler to ease the nightmare of dependency loading in Ruby projects. daemon-kit and its generators all create/update the Gemfile in the root of the daemon. You can satisfy the project's dependencies by running bundle install from within the project root.

For more information on bundler, please see http://github.com/carlhuda/bundler
