Home > twicseratops


Twicseratops is a project mainly written in C# and RUBY, it's free.

maybe ... twitter client

twicseratops is a twitter library for c# like a rubytter.rb


MIT License


$ rake


how to get access token

using System;
using BasyuraOrg.Twitter;

class Class1 {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        TwicseraRegister register = Twicseratops.NewRegister();
        string url = register.GetAuthorizeUrl();

        Console.WriteLine("access url to get pin");
        string pin = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

        string[] keys = register.GetAccessTokenAndSecret(pin);

        Console.WriteLine("access token        : " + keys[0]);
        Console.WriteLine("access token secret : " + keys[1]);

how to get timeline

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Twicseratops;

class Client {
    static void Main(string[] args) {

        string accessToken       = "your access token";
        string accessTokenSecret = "your access token secret";

        dynamic twitter = new Twicseratops(accessToken, accessTokenSecret);
        // parameter
        Dictionary<string, string> param = new Dictionary<string, string> {
            {"per_page" , "100"}
        // get list statuses
        foreach (dynamic status in twitter.ListStatuses("basyura" , "all" , param)) {
            Console.WriteLine(status.user.screen_name + " : " + status.text);
        // get replies
        foreach (dynamic status in twitter.Replies()) {
            Console.WriteLine(status.user.screen_name + " : " + status.text);
        // get home timeline
        foreach (dynamic status in twitter.HomeTimeline()) {
            Console.WriteLine(status.user.screen_name + " : " + status.text);
        // tweet my status

supported? api

UpdateStatus          /statuses/update                POST
RemoveStatus          /statuses/destroy/{0}           DELETE
PublicTimeline        /statuses/public_timeline
HomeTimeline          /statuses/home_timeline
FriendsTimeline       /statuses/friends_timeline
Replies               /statuses/replies
Mentions              /statuses/mentions
UserTimeline          /statuses/user_timeline/{0}
Show                  /statuses/show/{0}
Friends               /statuses/friends/{0}
Followers             /statuses/followers/{0}
Retweet               /statuses/retweet/{0}           POST
Retweets              /statuses/retweets/{0}
RetweetedByMe         /statuses/retweeted_by_me
RetweetedToMe         /statuses/retweeted_to_me
RetweetsOfMe          /statuses/retweets_of_me
User                  /users/show/{0}
DirectMessages        /direct_messages
SentDirectMessages    /direct_messages/sent
SendDirectMessage     /direct_messages/new            POST
RemoveDirectMessage   /direct_messages/destroy/{0}    DELETE
Follow                /friendships/create/{0}         POST
Leave                 /friendships/destroy/{0}        DELETE
FriendshipExists      /friendships/exists
FollowersIds          /followers/ids/{0}
FriendsIds            /friends/ids/{0}
Favorites             /favorites/{0}
Favorite              /favorites/create/{0}           POST
RemoveFavorite        /favorites/destroy/{0}          DELETE
VerifyCredentials     /account/verify_credentials     GET
EndSession            /account/end_session            POST
UpdateDeliveryDevice  /account/update_delivery_device POST
UpdateProfileColors   /account/update_profile_colors  POST
LimitStatus           /account/rate_limit_status
UpdateProfile         /account/update_profile         POST
EnableNotification    /notifications/follow/{0}       POST
DisableNotification   /notifications/leave/{0}        POST
Block                 /blocks/create/{0}              POST
Unblock               /blocks/destroy/{0}             DELETE
BlockExists           /blocks/exists/{0}              GET
Blocking              /blocks/blocking                GET
BlockingIds           /blocks/blocking/ids            GET
SavedSearches         /saved_searches                 GET
SavedSearch           /saved_searches/show/{0}        GET
CreateSavedSearch     /saved_searches/create          POST
RemoveSavedSearch     /saved_searches/destroy/{0}     DELETE
CreateList            /{0}/lists                      POST
UpdateList            /{0}/lists/{1}                  PUT
DELETEList            /{0}/lists/{1}                  DELETE
List                  /{0}/lists/{1}
Lists                 /{0}/lists
ListsFollowers        /{0}/lists/memberships
ListStatuses          /{0}/lists/{1}/statuses
ListMembers           /{0}/{1}/members
AddMemberToList       /{0}/{1}/members                POST
RemoveMemberFromList  /{0}/{1}/members                DELETE
ListFollowing         /{0}/{1}/subscribers
FollowList            /{0}/{1}/subscribers            POST
RemoveList            /{0}/{1}/subscribers            DELETE