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Twiliokit is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

starter kit for twilio apps based on zend framework 1.10

twilioKit - Twilio Starter Kit for Zend Framework

Original code - copyright (c)2010 Michael Kimsal All other code copyright by the respective projects

twilioKit provides a basic skeleton for bringing together a Twilio library, Doctrine, phpunit and Zend Framework in one 'ready to go' set up with example code for Twilio services.

Doctrine 1.2 and ZF 1.10.5 are provided in the /library folder, Twilio REST Client adapted from twilio.com helper library.

Getting started

ZF libraries are provided in a tgz format. You'll need to untar/unzip them before starting.

cd /path/to/zfkit/library tar -xzf Zend.tgz


If you want to provide your own ZF library, symlink or copy the Zend library from ZF to live in the zfkit/library folder.

ln -s /path/to/zfkit/library/Zend /path/to/real/zendframework/library/Zend


cp -r /path/to/real/zendframework/library/Zend /path/to/zfkit/library/

You may wish to make your /public/ folder the document root of a virtual host for nicer URLs.

Something like this would be appropriate <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "/path/to/git/checkout/of/zfkit/public" ServerName Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks <Directory "/path/to/git/checkout/of/zfkit"> Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all

DB setup Go in to the scripts directory and run the ./run script This will automatically drop/create the database, create a schema and insert sample data, based on the Doctrine data in /application/data (specifically, the schema.yml and fixtures/data.yml files)

Config setup

For Twilio to work, you'll need to put in your account SID and auth Token from your Twilio account dashboard in to the application/configs/application.ini file.

Visit your hostname



twilioKit is released under a BSD license and is based on ZFKit.
