Home > twitter_mongodb_rails_sample


Twitter_mongodb_rails_sample is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A sample Rails3 application which stores and list twits on a MongoDB instance

== Sample Twitter client Application

This is a sample application which aims to integrate a Rails3 application with Twitter, store twits on a MongoDB instance and show stored twits on a simple page.

== Install

The application requires a running MongoDB instance. MongoDB installation instructions can be found on http://www.mongodb.org.

Also, it is required that the Rails3 gems are already installed on the environment. Installation instructions can be found on http://rubyonrails.org/download.

After that, on the application root directory, run the 'bundle' command so that Bundler install the required gems.

== Usage

To run the application, execute the command 'rails s' on the application root directory. This will start the application on http://localhost:3000.

The main page shows a list of the latest twits stored on the local database.

To read a random list of twits from Twitter and store them on the database, run the command 'rake twitter:fetch'. After that, reload the web page and a list of twits should appear.