Home > twitter-streamer-hub


Twitter-streamer-hub is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

node.js all-purpose, generic twitter UserStreams client hub

h1. Twitter Streamer Hub for node.js

Twitter Streamer Hub for node.js is an all-purpose, generic twitter UserStreams client hub. It powers websites such as "Twitter RSS Links":http://twitterrsslinks.com.

It allows one to connect to multiple twitter accounts, using Twitter UserStreams, and post each JSON piece to an upstream HTTP server. It handles all connection management and error handling, reconnecting to Twitter when the connection drops.

In the (near) future, this will evolve to use SiteStreams, as it should.


h2. Requirements

  • node.js (tested with latest)
  • npm
  • upstream server (to bootstrap and post data)
  • capistrano (if you decide to deploy this project using it)

h2. HowTo

First install node.js and npm.

Then do @npm bundle ./vendor@ on the root of this project. This will install external dependencies on the vendor directory.

Now can divide this app in 3 different stages / steps: bootstrap, post new data, add new client

h3. Bootstrap

To start Twitter Streamer, you must have a bootstrap HTTP server, than node connects to get some configuration values. You do that by passing the bootstrap hostname and port to the server.js file.

@node server.js localhost 3000@

Doing that, Twitter Streamer will do a GET request on @http://localhost:3000/nodejs/bootstrap@. It expects the following JSON response (ruby example here):

config = { 
 :config => {
   :twitter_user_stream     => 'http://betastream.twitter.com/2b/user.json',
   :upstream_host           => 'localhost',
   :upstream_port           => 3000,
   :upstream_path           => '/nodejs/data/'
 :clients => [ 
      :id => 1,
      :twitter_id => 123123123,
      :oauth_token => "11528912-Bigu2h1hRti7BDQSI9cFIBcgEawO3TTlz6Swrm70",
      :oauth_token_secret => "KPz1FOGOfuzGtbkXoHfohAxXwQHIW8w03eMUghxNQY"

New tweets will be post to @http://config['upstream_host']:config['upstream_port']/config['upstream_path']@.

The array of clients is the array of UserStream connections that Twitter Streamer will make. Each one must have a correct oauth_token and oauth_token_secret for the user.

h3. Post new data

For each twitter client, every time a new piece of JSON arrives to node.js, a POST will be made (see previous section on how to configure it).

@POST http://localhost:3000/nodejs/data/:twitter_id@, where @:twitter_id@ will be replaced with the user twitter_id (duh).

The raw POST will be the raw JSON data that arrived from Twitter.

h3. Add new client

When Twitter Streamer is running, you may want to add a new client connection without restarting node (and bootstrapping again). For that, Twitter Streamer opens an HTTP server on port 6666 with a single endpoint:

@POST http://localhost:6666/add_client@

It expects the following form_encoded params: @id@, @twitter_id@, @oauth_token@ and @oauth_token_secret@. If it receives all this parameters it will initiate a new UserStream connection for this client and start delivering tweets on upstream.

h2. Warnings

This is beta software, although it is used on "Twitter RSS Links":http://twitterrsslinks.com.