Home > TwitterBadge-PHP


TwitterBadge-PHP is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Class Library that parses Twitter JSON or decoded JSON object to HTML


TwitterBadge-PHP 1.0 -- 5 Aug 2010


TwitterBadge-PHP is a PHP5 Class that will accept either a JSON feed in as a string or a already decoded JSON feed object (using the PHP5 method json_decode). It will output a string that consists of the tweets formatted as specificed by the implementor.

It supports customized output using any data element found inside of the TwitterAPI JSON tweet object with a few helpered elements for easier formatting.


Basic JSON usage

$jsonData = $some_json_string_from_twitter

$tb = new TwitterBadge();

echo $tb->parseJSON( $jsonData );

Basic Object usage

$jsonData = $some_json_string_from_twitter

$dataObject = json_decode ($jsonData);

$tb = new TwitterBadge();

echo $tb->parseObject( $dataObject );

Customizing Output

The class accepts formatting via a tag replacement system.

Tags are in the format: [@tagname] or [@parenttag->childtag]

Individual Tweets

You can use the class function setTweetFormat( $string ) to set the formatting of the tweet by passing in a string of the format desired. Not providing a formatting string will reset it to the default style.

<li>[@text] by [@user->name]</li> will subsitute the [@text] tag with the text keyvalue from the JSON object. It will also subsitute the [@user->name] field with the JSON keyvalue user->name (a nested object inside the main JSON object).

You can take any object/value inside the Twitter JSON data object. Please see the TwitterAPI docs for a listing of available keys.

Default Style

<li>[@parsed_text]<span>Posted by [@user->name] [@relative_time]</span></li>

List of Tweets

You can use the class function setListFormat ( $string ) to set the formatting of the list by passing in a string of the format desired. Not providing a formatting string will reset it to the default style.

The Class will take the compiled listing of tweets and create the final formatting wraper around it. This format string only accepts one tag.

<ul>[@tweets]</ul> will replace the [@tweet] tag with the compiled list of formatted tweets.

Default Style


Custom fields not in TwitterAPI

I've included a few helper tags to assist in creation of the formatted tweets. These are not part of the default TwitterAPI Object

[@parsed_text] - Returns the tweet text with @replies, #hashtags, and http links incased in anchor links. It's smart enough to not linkify email addresses in the text.

[@tweet_link]- Returns the tweet's URL for direct linking.

[@relative_time] - Returns the time the tweet was created relative to now. (eg. 1 hour ago, 2 days ago, 1 week ago, 2 months ago, etc.)
