Home > twitterServer


TwitterServer is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

using multithreading and sockets in c++ to emulate twitter (server part)


FH Salzburg

WS2010 MMT-B2009

Multimediale Netzwerke


Fritsch Andreas, Hanli Ismail

Sun, 28.11.2010 22:00



This Twitter fork is a student project. It's to learn how to use sockets.

You can find this project on http://github.com/ihanli/twitterServer


:i [tweeter] -> login as [tweeter] :o -> logout :p -> pull your tweets from server :t [message] -> new tweet :f [tweeter] -> follow a given tweeter :me -> get my tweeter

Compilation guide for Visual Studio (2010 in my case):

  1. Create new empty project.
  2. Add all files as existing items.
  3. On Project properties Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies add 'ws2_32.lib'.

Compilation guide for Code::Blocks 10.05:

  1. Open project file
  2. Settings > Compiler and Debugger
  3. click on the second tab (Linker settings)
  4. add libws2_32.a

How to run TwitterServer:

  1. Execute TwitterServer.exe, no configuration needed Logfile will be created automaticly