Home > TwitterToPlus


TwitterToPlus is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the MIT license.

Finds the Google+ profiles of Twitter users that you follow


  • Finds Google+ profiles of the Twitter folks that you follow

Requires a browser that supports HTML5 Web Workers. The client has been tested and works on recent version of Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Setup Instructions:

This application uses Node.js on the server. On Mac OSX, this https://sites.google.com/site/nodejsmacosx/ will install Node.js and npm

After getting this source code, ensure you have the following libraries installed:

Node.js npm

Then run the following command in the root directory where you downloaded the source code:

npm install express npm install stylus jade npm install -g nodemon (this is optional)

You should then be able to run the app using the following command from the root directory:

node server.js

Browsing to should show you the app.

Usage Instructions:

  1. Get the app running
  2. Enter your twitter screen name
  3. Click the 'Search' button
  4. Grab a cup of coffee