Home > txt2pdf.vim


Txt2pdf.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Script to save the current file and convert it to PDF using txt2pdf

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=283

Script to save the current file and convert it to PDF using txt2pdf. You need to install txt2pdf http://www.sanface.com/txt2pdf.html

You can also use txt2pdf PRO http://www.sanface.com/txt2pdfPRO.html and txt2pdf PRO + crypt http://www.sanface.com/txt2pdfPROcrypt.html to make more complex PDFs like http://www.sanface.com/pdf/Purchase_Order.pdf http://www.sanface.com/pdf/invoice.pdf http://www.sanface.com/pdf/hfmus.pdf http://www.sanface.com/pdf/heraldbill.pdf
