Home > Typo-Internal-Linker


Typo-Internal-Linker is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A powerful SEO internal linking builder for Typo blog

h1. Typo Internal Linker

This plugin allow you to build your SEO internal linking displaying links from your articles tagging. Instead of having your tag links pointing to useless tag pages, they will point to articles using these words the most.

h2. Installing Typo Internal Linker

You can either download the source code and upload it into vendor/plugins or run

script/rails plugin install git://github.com/fdv/Typo-Internal-Linker.git

After downloading this plugin, you'll have to run 2 rake tasks :

The first one will create the needed database schema

rake typo_internal_linker_create_table

The second one will populate the table with your existing content

rake typo_internal_linker_populate_table

Remember to run the second one every time you publsh a new article as you'll need to update the table.

Then in your theme, where you display a single article tag links, replace the line containing _taglinks(article) with:


Copyright (c) 2009 Frédéric de Villamil, released under the MIT license
