Home > ucompleteme


Ucompleteme is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

better code completion for vim

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3594


On Github: https://github.com/aaronj1335/ucompleteme

ucompleteme is a Vim plugin for insert-mode completion. It combines the results of omni-completion with its own "proximity" completion function.

ucompleteme attempts to provide completion options intelligently, so the user doesn't have to think about what kind of code completion to use (omni-completion, current file completion, etc.). Plugins like SuperTab provide a means to easily switch between different completion methods, but they aren't as opinionated about building the list of matches for the user.

The philosophy behind ucompleteme is that instead of having to think about which completion type is best, the completion funciton should make an educated guess by first running the omni-completion function (where available), then finding matches within the current buffer, then other buffers of the same filetype, and finally the remaining buffers.


ucompleteme provides a user-defined completion function. By default it re-maps <tab> in insert mode to use this function. If an omnifuc is defined, ucompletme starts by populating the list with those results first and giving the user a chance to interact. After that it will run its own "proximity" completion function that searches each line of a buffer progressively further from the cursor. The proximity search is run on the current buffer, and then the other buffers of the same filetype, and finally the remaining open buffers.


  • g:ucompleteme_map_tab: if this is set to 1, ucompleteme will re-map <tab> in insert mode

  • g:max_lines_for_omnifunc: omni-completion functions can be slow for large files. this determines how large a file can be before ucompleteme will not skip using omni-completion and just use keyword completion.
