Home > umtcurl


Umtcurl is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

testing a proxy by using curl to send headers; just a collection of scripts


The scripts in this directory are created so I can test a proxy created by a colleague. By using scripts I don't have to do it manualy all the time. Due to the lack of (finding) programms that fit my needs I decided to created something myself.

It uses simple shell scripting to manage the testing. The scripts simply calls curl and curl-loader.


Making requests to the proxy Making a lot of requests to the proxy (stress testing) Making bogus requests to test if the proxy reacts nicely Log all the requests and the results Create test suites by changing the extention to .active or .inactive


Linux shell (bash or ...) curl curl-loader


sh main.sh [directory with test files] [path to exectuable] #Loops through all files in the specified directory

Create a test file simply by making an sh script BUT make the EXTENSION of the file .active

A test file is included, here's the code:


! /bin/sh

echo "STARTED: "$0 echo "I DO NOTHING" echo "ENDED: "$0 ($SECONDS seconds)