Home > undobranche_viewer.vim


Undobranche_viewer.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Undo Branches Explorer

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2141


Vim7 Undo Branches Explorer. See ':help undo-branches', also.


  1. Copy the undobranch_viewer.vim script to the $HOME/.vim/plugin or the $HOME/vimfiles/plugin. Refer to the ':help add-plugin', ':help add-global-plugin' and ':help runtimepath' topics for more details about Vim plugins.

  2. Restart Vim.

  3. This script requires tlib (vimscript #1863) to be installed.


  1. Open Undo Branches Explorer with command ':UndoBranchViewer'.
  2. undo selected branche. undo selected branche, and close undo branches list.