Home > UniServer-for-Drupal-7


UniServer-for-Drupal-7 is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A repository for the Uniserver Installation for Windows that allows you to run a webserver with Apache and Mysql under windows without any installation.

This is a modified version of UniServer available from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/

Also see this Drupal Handbook page: http://drupal.org/node/1245206

Located within the www folder is a Drupal 6 and a Drupal 7 installation.

After starting the UniServer, your browswer should automatically open and you will see the UniServer start page.

In your browser's address bar, enter localhost/drupal-6.22 for the Drupal 6 version or localhost/drupal-7.8 for the Drupal 7 version.

The database User Name is root and the password is root.

The Drupal administrative user is admin and the password is admin.

The php.ini has been modifiied with pdo extensions to work with Drupal 7.

@bhosmer www.radarearth.com
