Home > univresal-blue-scheme


Univresal-blue-scheme is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

blue vim scheme that aims to work well in gvim, vim in console and terminal

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3674

The purpose of this theme is to be usable not only in gvim, but to be also usable in in virtual terminal emulator and console For this reason this theme is tested in gvim, urxvt and FreeBSD console

For virtual terminals I use these colors in .Xdefaults:

XTermcolor0: #000000 XTermcolor8: #606060 XTermcolor1: #800000 XTermcolor9: #FF0000 XTermcolor2: #00800a XTermcolor10: #00FF00 XTermcolor3: #E7811B XTermcolor11: #FFFF00 XTermcolor4: #000060 XTermcolor12: #5050FF XTermcolor5: #800080 XTermcolor13: #FF00FF XTermcolor6: #008080 XTermcolor14: #00FFFF XTermcolor7: #909090 XTermcolor15: #FFFFFF

XTermBackground: #000000 XTermForeground: #FFFFFF XTermunderlineColor: #5070ff XTermcursorColor: #ffffff

Also I set LSCOLORS=DxGxGxCxBxexcxbxbxFxFb (for colorful ls, which looks quite nice with these colors)

Screenshots comparing gvim and vim in terminal: http://files.bsdroot.lv/my/screenshots/vim/universal-blue/2011.11.07_at_23.40.32.png (vim) http://files.bsdroot.lv/my/screenshots/vim/universal-blue/2011.11.07_at_23.41.29.png (gvim)
