Home > urf_work


Urf_work is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

Work On UNIRAST File Format, see the urftopdf repository for a CUPS filter

This is an inital work on UNIRAST format

The urftobmp.c program is a simple GNU C program which decodes an UNIRAST file to a bmp file per page. It does not handle the Colorspace/Duplex Mode/Quality or Dots per Inches informations.

The urftotiff.c program is a simple GNU C program which decodes an UNIRAST file to a multipage tiff packbits compressed file. It does not handle the Colorspace/Duplex Mode/Quality informations. It depends on the libtiff and creates a multipage file.

Thanks for http://alanQuatermain.net/ for its URF file partial decode.
