Home > v4l2-gfx-apps


V4l2-gfx-apps is a project mainly written in C and JAVA, it's free.


These applications are used to demonstrate texture streaming with the SGX GPU on the OMAP4 SoC utilizing the the V4L2-GFX driver built again a Linux kernel.

These apps are developed on both Linux & Android.


All the applications need the V4L2-GFX driver installed.

The applications need the header file for private ioctls to the V4L2-GFX driver see:



Unit tests for the V4L2-GFX driver. It can also memcpy frames from a raw

NV12 file to the V4L2-GFX device.


GLES1 application demonstrating texture streaming. This will just stream

a flat video image, so is useful to see the basic throughput of a video stream without the overhead of 3D effects.

Sub-directories: src Common native C source code android Build an Android APK and a C shared library used with JNI linux Null window build

Running gles1_texture_player (Linux)

Start the gles1_texture_player application from the command line. You

should see a message "Waiting for MM device". At this point you need to start a V4L2 client application decoding to the V4L2-GFX device.

If the V4L2-GFX device node is /dev/video100 (usually it is), ensure that

the decoding application has permission to write to the device.

Here is an example using GStreamer (From a Ubuntu-Maverick OMAP image with

a working GStreamer setup):

gst-launch playbin2 uri=file:///home/ubuntu/batman_begins_1080p.mov video-sink="fpsdisplaysink text-overlay=false video-sink=v4l2sink device=/dev/video100 min-queued-bufs=3"

You can also use the v4l2_gfx_client as mentioned above, although consider

that the system performance will be severely effected by the app having to copy frames to V4L2 memory mapped buffers. For example:

v4l2_gfx_client -f 320x240.nv12 -w 320 -h 240


GLES2 texture streaming application, similar to GLES1 except a simple

3D effect is applied.

Sub-directories: src Common native C source code android Build an Android APK and a C shared library used with JNI linux Null window build