Home > validates_presence_of_association


Validates_presence_of_association is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

validates_presence_of something_id wasn't cutting it

== ValidatesPresenceOfAssociation

The rails suggested thing to do is

validates_presence_of :user_id

instead of

validates_presence_of :user

But sometimes there are circular references in your models, and it's sometimes impossible to come up with a save order that allows all the validations like this to pass.

so instead this plugin lets you

validates_presence_of_association :user

which causes a validation that at least one of :user_id and :user is set. (if one is set, no need to check the other)

Copyright (c) 2008-2010 3M. All rights reserved. Released under the MIT license.

Authored by Jacob Burkhart.