Home > vangogh


Vangogh is a project mainly written in PYTHON and C, based on the Apache-2.0 license.



vangogh is a tool for managing code-reviews for projects hosted on GitHub by utilizing the web-based code-review tool Reitveld. Reitveld is a code-review tool written by Guido van Rossum, et al. [1][2] which is an open source implementation of the Mondrian tool used at Google [3].

The inherent collaborative nature of GitHub is one of its driving forces. vangough imply adds an invaluable piece, interactive code-reviews of arbitrary any branch of any GitHub user.

Rietveld shows two versions of any file side by side: the original version, and the new version. vangough will by default use the HEAD version of the original, forked project as the "original" version and will use the branch specified as the "new" version. This makes it easy to see what the actual changes of merging that branch with HEAD would be.


vangogh currently only supports Unix/Linux/OSX

Python 2.4 or higher

git: http://git-scm.com


Put vangogh and upload.py in you path. If you are using an older version of Python than 2.6 (check with 'python -V') then you'll also need to place the third_party directory in the same place with the vangogh script.


Add a file to your project called 'codereview.settings' and include:

CODE_REVIEW_SERVER: codereview.appspot.com

or another Rietveld location.


vangogh http://github.com//

vangogh http://github.com///commit/

vangogh http://github.com///tree/master

vangogh http://github.com///blob//<path/to/a/file.ext>


[1] rietveld on Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/rietveld/

[2] An Open Source App: Rietveld Code Review Tool: http://code.google.com/appengine/articles/rietveld.html

[3] Mondrian Code Review On The Web: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMql3Di4Kgc