Home > vanilla-jsp-archetype


Vanilla-jsp-archetype is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Using the archetype

Clone and build the archetype

$ git clone [email protected]:niqbal/vanilla-jsp-archetype.git
$ cd vanilla-jsp-archetype
$ mvn install

This will install the archetype locally, and you will be able to generate projects from it.

Create your project

Go to a directory where you'd like to create your project.

Generate from the archetype: $ mvn archetype:generate

This will print a list of locally installed archetypes, choose vanilla-jsp-archetype from the list.

Follow the prompts and choose your values for groupId, artifactId, version, and base package

Your project will be created in a directory named for your artifact id.

Build your project

After this you should set the connection string for environment variable FORCE_FORCEDATABASE_URL. Then you can run your project:

mvn tomcat:run-war