Home > VBoxScript


VBoxScript is a project mainly written in SHELL and LUA, it's free.

VBox Scripts is a set of scripts for virtual machine managment in lua and bash script

Basic Steps(VirtualBox 3.2.4r62467)

  1. Update pm.list (phisical machines list)


2.1 migrate01: disjoing in createvm_target.sh and datavm_source.sh

test and get data from virtualbox machines(server) teleport and update the teleporter update machine list: teleported, power off, power on


migrate.sh draft automatic migrate for one virtualmachine only in localhost

data_source.sh(blank) retrieving virtual machine options

createvm_targe.sh(blank) create a new virtual machine in other phisical machine.

show_runningvms.sh show_teleportedvms.sh(blank) show_vms table_vms.lua clean_files.sh README
