Home > venus_ir_wo


Venus_ir_wo is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

Write-Only device driver for Realtek Venus IR

Realtek Venus IR Write-Only device driver


The aim of this driver is to add write capability to the existing Venus IR driver used on RTD 1073/1283 Linux based platforms.

Once installed, the module will create a /dev/venus_irrp_wo driver, to which you can write (binary) sequences of IR codes. A 'fakekey' sysfs is also created in /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR_W/fakekey, so that you can use something like: echo 'fa05ff00' > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR_W/fakekey to send an IR key to the IR driver


You must have the sources for an RTD 1073/1283 Linux kernel available, as well as a MIPS compilation toolchain. You can find a fedora VMWare image with such a toolchain, as well as an RTD1283 kernel source (for Xtreamer devices) at: http://code.google.com/p/xtreamerdev/downloads/list

Edit KERNELDIR in the Makefile to point to your kernel source and run 'make'


Copy venus_ir_wo.ko to your Realtek system, and run: insmod venus_ir_wo.ko (For debug, you can add a 'debug=1' parameter to the line above) This will create /dev/venus_irrp_wo and /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR_W/fakekey which you can then use to send IR keys to running applications


Depending on the device and applications, you may have to send the same key twice for it to be recognized.
